Looking At The 'End Of Time' Logically


For the earth to be wiped out now, and not in 2012 would be illogical. Think about this- the Mayan calendar ends at 2012...does that mean the Maya believed it to be the 'end of time'? Not necessarily. Assume a largeasteroid(s) impacts the planet now. Wouldn't that mean the end of time ?

If the earth were to be destroyed now, it would mean no one would give care what day of the week it is, or what time it is. Who would care about time when water, eating and shelter become the most important problems to solve ? People would just care about surviving. Both cash and the stock market would quickly become a faded memory. If government collapses, so will the value of money. We will be resorting to the barter system. The end of time may be something that happens as the result of a time experiment as some have proposed. Or, perhaps an asteroid doesn't really hit until 2012. Some remote viewers have backed up the 2012 theory, because they see nothing but desolation after that time.