A Sea of Tears

Sheeple of the world lend me thine ear,
for the truth we speak sends messages clear!
33 degrees plus 2012 years
adds to masterplan complete: a sea of tears.
Distractions abundent losing your focus
as the magicians wave screaming "hocus pocus"!
And despite all your anger you sit content in complacency
as the "Novus Ordo" churns with conspiracy.
The undead walk without a clue that they are dead -
and you fail to recognize what the poet has said.
The shepard has come to tend to his flock,
ignorant children of intelligence mock.
The third eye is straining to see the light
so open up your mind and begin to take flight.
The undeclared war is wageing so get ready for battle,
unless you are happy being mindless cattle.
So get with the plan - Not of the "master"
and help us usher these cattle from their pasture.
For all minds have potential to do glorious work
and then we can eleveate a world that's gone berserk.