An orderly visit of Extraterrestrial Federation in 2012 representing 88 star constellations

The world is getting ready for something spectacular in 2012. According to researchers, the Federation of the Universe representing all the 88 star constellations will officially visit earth in 2012 and reveal themselves. It will bring an end to all UFO cover-ups in various countries.

Campaign for the New Time

The purpose of the Great Cycle is to point out and define the moment of “judgment day,” the apocalypse of the Gregorian civilization and the end of the artificial 12:60 order of time. Given the exponential increase of man and machine, driven by money, it is more than obvious that by the final katun, 1993-2012, we are rapidly approaching a saturation point in time. The chronotopological pond of history has filled up, and there is nowhere else to go. Only prophecy can puncture the otherwise closed container of human thought enveloping the planet in the form of the 12:60 technosphere. By virtue of their advanced knowledge of the nature of time and the development of a science of time, the Maya alone were able to set forth a prophecy that establishes the criterion for determining the error in time, and hence, for understanding that judgment day had arrived. Inasmuch as the criterion is the distinction between the 12:60 timing frequency which governs all of human civilization and sets it apart from nature, and the 13:20 universal timing frequency which governs the whole of nature, the prophecy also sets forth the Thirteen Moon 28-day calendar as the instrument for making the decision to return to the universal timing frequency. Only by making this decision, says the prophecy, will humanity avoid destruction and reap the benefits of the rewards for the righteous after the apocalyptic “end time” - that is, the end of 12:60 time.

The Torch of Life - Time Map to 2012/13

The Torch of Life mandala maps the last 19 years of The Harmonic Convergence. The Harmonic Convergence occurred in 1987 and signalled the beginning of the last 26 years of this 26,000 year cycle (one zodiac age) and the end of the Great Arcturus Cycle of 104,000 years (four zodiac ages). What this means is that on a visual level the Torch of Life is a wholly independent symbolic reflection of the prophetic release of Pacal Votan.

The Harmonic Convergence reaches its crescendo on the Winter Solstice, 21st December, 2012.