Award ;D

heyy blogger :) wahh ! lame tk update . HAHA ! yg best nye , bukak jee blogg terus dpt award :D award nii from Eika :) thanks dear ! jomm kite ushaa award comel Eika nii :D

wahh ! comel kan ? tp nakk amekk award nii kene jawab soalan dulu , jomm tgk soalan die :)

1. Saya baik tak ?

2. Kenapa follow saya ?
Sebab blog anda comel dan ade Kpop ;D

3. Bagi nickname awak .
Nickname ? Err , tiera ? Bole ? HAHA !

4. Ucapan untuk saya ?
Kamsahamnida chinggu :) Thanks for the award dear ! I love Ki Kwang :D

The Buzz: Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!! service will resume boxing day...

Steven Soderbergh to retire?

Dan Browns The Lost Symbol adapted

Bakugan the movie

Gale Ann Hurd wants another Terminator

Merry Christmas!

A great and appropriate Christmas card from Kate Spade.
 Merry Christmas everyone! Have a relaxing and rewarding holiday with family and friends.

Tron: Legacy

Mutton Dressed as Lamb

Lover: Taken from IMDB
“In my eighteen years on this earth, I have been able to see many movies, some of them great, some of them terrible. Only one of them, however, has been able to move me to tears of exultation and utter, boundless joy. That movie, my friends, is Tron Legacy. The Tron franchise has always been known for its cutting-edge approach to film-making as it tackles tough issues and offers a refreshing commentary on surprisingly deep subject matter. Legacy goes even further than its wonderful predecessors. This movie is the second coming of Christ. It is an orgasm for the senses. It is the word "perfect," transformed into an animated, watchable form. It is love itself. It is like an evolved form of oxygen that is so much fresher than a typical breath of fresh air. If you don't see this movie, you have never experienced life or seen color or felt a single genuine, worthwhile emotion. Life begins and ends with Tron Legacy.”

I just liked this one because it was really dramatic, I did like Tron: Legacy but this review is a little over the top!

Hater: Taken from IMDB
“Tron Legacy is so bad, that if I had been in Jonestown and they were showing this film, I would have drunk the Kool-aid half way through the film to end my life. The lines are so bad, the acting is borrowed from every blockbuster that was a success before this film (think Star Wars, Raiders, Attack of The Clones..etc.) the idea is, if they show you familiar themes with familiar frames and a music score that is supposed to be avant-garde but comes up sounding borrowed and repetitive. The Film wants to be Batman, and a video game at the same time, and it never makes sense. For a film that's about computers, the computers seem awfully stupid and the Users even more idiotic... Save your money and see Yogi Bear at least that movie has no pretense.”

Firstly I have no idea where this person is getting their comparisons from and fails to justify why they make them in the first place! Don’t save your money for Yogi Bear, go and see Tron; that despite what you may have heard if it’s nothing else it’s visually and audibly groundbreaking!

What I thought:
I describe Tron as Mutton dressed as lamb; the reason I do? Just look at the trailers and listen to some of Daft Punks score! It paints a film that is epic in scale as well as effects; sadly the end result doesn’t live up to the hype. A story that’s a little thin on the ground and more interested in getting our characters in and around “The Grid” than development.

However it does live up to something, in fact I would go as far as to say surpass something; the visuals. Everything you have seen and everything you have heard is true; the world of Tron looks utterly amazing! The basic design carries over from the first film but there are no flashes of nostalgia here, this world has evolved. It’s now a neon nightmare complete with fully computer animated storms, sky scraping cities of gravity defining buildings and all your old favourites are back including the Solar Sail (impressive for a world without a sun!). However the thing that eclipses all of this, the young Jeff Bridges; Pure and simply put its groundbreaking stuff! It’s utterly convincing and it will blow you away!

After all this though you really thought the 3D would be impressive, sadly I think the film would be just as visually gorgeous without it. I don’t mind as it proves me right again, the 3D had no added effect to the film what so ever! Stop charging me extra for it!

The Soundtrack is utterly amazing and well worth shelling out for, Daft Punk have surpassed themselves with synth dance beats mixed with Haz Zimmer-esq theatrical scoring with an electronic edge. It all adds up to one thing; a film that looks the nuts and should be viewed on the big screen, however don’t pay the extra for 3D it has no effect to the already stunning visuals. Sit back and enjoy the action, which is fast paced and thrilling and enjoy Michael Sheen the short time he gets on screen as he is excellent!

The Buzz: 23/12/10

Above Concept art for third Riddick Film

Terry Gilliam for Steampunk "1884"

Tron Director talks sequels

Christian Bale for "Nanjing Heroes,"

My Top Ten....

Christmas Movies

10. Santa Clause the movie: Dudley Moore as an Elf, quality Christmas entertainment!

9. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation: Chevy Chase and the national lampoons at their very best!

8. Home Alone: Festive Family Fun with lethal traps!

7. The Nightmare before Christmas: Tim Burtons imagination and Danny Elfmans musical stylings at their peak!

6. Planes, Trains and Automobiles: "Those aren't pillows!" Bloody Brilliant Comedy!

5. Scrooged / Groundhog Day: I put these together because Groundhog Day isn't usually considered a Christmas movie and its like a Bill Murray tribute at number 5 as both these films are excellent Festive comedies!

4. Muppets Christmas Carol: I nearly put the version with Patrick Stewart as it is excellent but this one featuring those loveable muppets is just fun for all the family!

3. Elf: Inspired casting of Will Ferrell and superb comedy writing make for a real sleeper hit, "Buddy the Elf, whats your favourite colour!?"

2. It's a Wonderful Life: Try doing a list of best Christmas movies and leaving this classic out!

1. Die Hard: I don't care what anyone sais, Die Hard is a Christmas movie and it has everything! Action, Comedy, Family Drama and Alan Rickman saying "Now I have a machine gun, ho ho ho"

Up and Coming Movies...

West is West

In UK Cinemas: 25/02/11

What they say:
Manchester, England, 1976. The now much diminished, but still claustrophobic and dysfunctional, Khan family continues to struggle for survival. Sajid, the youngest Khan, the runt of the litter, is deep in pubescent crisis under heavy assault both from his father's tyrannical insistence on Pakistani tradition, and from the fierce bullies in the schoolyard. So in a last attempt to ‘sort him out’, his father decides to pack him off to Mrs Khan No 1 and family in the Punjab, the wife and daughters he had abandoned 30 years earlier. It is not long before Ella Khan [Mrs Khan No 2], with a small entourage from Salford, England, swiftly follows to sort out the mess, past and present.

Directed by Andy De Emmony (Fantabulosa), written by Ayub Khan-Din (East is East) and produced by Leslee Udwin (East is East). Starring Om Puri, Linda Bassett, Lesley Nicol, Emil Marwa, Jimi Mistry, Ila Arun, Nadim Sawalha, Vijay Raaz, Raj Bhansali and Aqib Khan

What i say:
East is East was brilliant, a real gem in British cinema. It is hard to see how they will follow it up but all it needs is just the right amount of comedy and family bickering to make it live up to the original.

The Buzz: 22/12/10

Above, poster for new film Your Highness

Tron TV series

next pixar short in front of Cars 2 is "Toy Story 3" duo Ken and Barbie

H.R. Giger back for Alien prequel

Huggable Christmas Tree

Photo by Lucy Feagins.
Here's a rather lovely and huggable Christmas tree that you can happily take to bed with you... although it may be a bit hot to do that right now. From the Sydney home of designer and retailer, Virgine Batterson and her family, The Design Files has profiled the pretty Christmas decorating that Batterson has done. See and read more here.
Photograph via Design Files. 

This Can Motion Pictures Review Special...

In an industry fuelled by Superhero movies, sequels and countless reboots it’s genuinely hard for the independents. With the demise of UK Film Council still ringing in their ears, it’s hard to see a way through. Matthew Daniels and This Can Productions came up with a way to get two passion projects off the ground and filmed.

This is the first of my two features about them and the work they are doing; we start with a review of the two features in question; Powerless and Finding Their Feet. Both of which have underlining themes of hope in the face of adversity, much like the films themselves which Mr Daniels had help funding using ebay. The decision to sell credits on ebay is an inspired idea, people get a piece of your film and a named credit at the end depending on the amount of money they are willing to part with.

We start with Powerless, a great debut in anyone’s book, its rough around the edges but it sure as hell looks the business. We follow a young family after a tragedy when they lost their dad, it tore them apart. Their mother has relocated them out of the big bad city in an attempt to try and hold them together. After a terror attack during new years celebrations in London brings the country to a halt, this damaged family must pull together to survive.

It’s a good premise that has promise of a very personal view on what is a very real threat to people these days. Unfortunately this is not really explored, blame it on budget or time constraints but you really only get a vague feeling of the panic spreading the country. When it does show up, it shows up really well and tantalises the viewer with glimpses of real threat that it never really delivers on. From radio sound bytes, TV’s going off and a driver screaming “it’s everyone for themselves now!” you really get a feel for impending doom and it never really happens.

Of course there is something here despite the events outside; a dysfunctional family must deal with lack of food, parenting and each other. As family secrets begin to spin out of control so do family matters. It works well as something in the foreground to this terror attack but does seem to strangle any other theme out of the movie. The acting is coming of age, as the family on screen are also a family off screen. Every member working on real life relationships with a bit of added scandal, it works well and adds to the reality.

The Direction is really the key though; an Amateur does not have this kind of control over his shots proving that Matthew P.D Daniels is a talent to keep your eye on. Building tension well with variation of shots that include artsy with mundane close ups, cutting them together with assuredness in the material that only helps to bring up the credibility to what is a very low budget production.

Finding their Feet is a harder sell than Powerless, it’s a feel good coming of age piece that feature ballet. However this isn’t Billy Elliot we’re talking about here, our main characters have some big flaws, one speaks his mind, and the other doesn’t speak at all! Danny is the cheeky chap who speaks his mind, played confidently and likeable. Kate is our mute, after losing her voice in an accident she’s forced to convey her feelings in other ways. It’s a challenge for the actress sure enough, but handled confidently and positively adorable.

What makes “Finding their Feet” a hard sell is there isn’t as much original material in the story; the characters and their arcs are predictable. You also get the feeling your watching something that had a so much more potential to be funnier than it is. Its biggest fault however is some of the acting from the smaller players, a “loan shark” type character with little or no threat in its performance, a wizened dance teacher more forgetful that insightful and other very minor players showing their amateur routes.

Saying this, the writing has matured since Powerless and after watching the making of a bit of freedom given to the actors for improvisation. It adds to the independent nature of the production make it all the more likeable. The direction once again is handled with a command of someone with more experience, this time more emphasise on more arty shots that help with the ballet and dance theme. A surprise ending top it off and only help to seal the deal for Mr Daniels and his future endeavours.

Coming up, an interview with the man himself about the two projects and the themes behind them, what’s next and above all; beating the Movie business to get his films made.

The Buzz: 21/12/10

Above poster for new film Paul

Phil Noyce out of "Salt" sequel

Hasbro move forward with board game movies

Kevin Spacey on playing Casino Jack

New Hermes Store, Paris

Here is a striking new retail experience - the new Hermes Rive Gauche boutique in Paris. The store was designed by RDAI and is located within a former 1930'swimming pool.
The floor of the pool area is covered with mosaics tiles and the dramatic stairwell leads the people from the entrance straight to the ash timber pavillons in the former pool area. Read and see more photos of the new store here.
Photographs via Deezen.

Bunk Beds

Via My Scandinavian Retreat.

Via Inside Out magazine.
 One thing I regret about no longer being a child is not being to hang out in the cool bunk rooms in holiday homes like the ones above. Sigh.

Up and Coming Movies...

Love and Other Drugs

In UK Cinemas: 29/12/10

What they say:
"Hathaway portrays Maggie, an alluring free spirit who won’t let anyone - or anything - tie her down. But she meets her match in Jamie (Gyllenhaal), whose relentless and nearly infallible charm serve him well with the ladies and in the cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and Jamie’s evolving relationship takes them both by surprise, as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: love."

What i say:
Well worth the effort, without taking the time to read about this film or watch the trailer it looks like just another rom-com. On closer inspection its so much more Jake Gyllenhaal and Anna Hathaway look like they had a ball doing this film and i think you will to.

Check out the trailer here...

A BLAST from the past

In honour of its release this week, because I have already reviewed it and because it’s still just as horribly entertaining on the small screen. I have decided to do a special feature about The Expendables, in the form of a quick look back at my favourite moments of the stars not so glittery past.

Sylvester Stallone:
The man of the moment and the reason this movie exists, He created this monster as part of his insane resolve to revive former glory. Just look at Rock Balboa and Rambo, both of which were supposed to transport you back to the old days of Sly’s career. However this is a whole different kettle of fish, The Expendables pulls together allies from his time with more up to date action stars, gives them a story and a script that is straight out of the eighties, mixes the lot together with gratuitous but so bad its good violence to complete a very entertaining film. His finest moment however was of course Rocky, never since has Sylvester Stallone ever flexed more acting muscle than when he played down on his luck south paw Rocky Balboa (In the first one, he became a parody of himself almost instantly after). Never has the big guy ever been so vulnerable and that’s what makes him so loveable (hey that rhymed!).

Jason Stathem:
Despite the actors choices he’s still very likeable, the popular choice may be The Transporter or the crazy Crank movies (they show what he’s become big for). My choice however is Lock, Stock and Snatch; I say both because it’s hard to choose between them. In Lock Stock he was the straight talking hard man of a bunch mates in the deep end. His character in Snatch could have been the same character set a little further in the future, Turkish is one of the most quotable characters in the film and he plays him to perfection. Never has a life of an un-licensed boxing manager looked so cool!

Jet Li:
This guy has never been known for his acting and I would say we haven’t really seen enough of his acting chops to judge him on that front. He does however kick ass extremely well, in the Expendables he’s used as a butt of a joke and he plays it well. For me one of the best films he’s done was Romeo must Die, taking on numerous bad guys using a fire hose: Fantastic!

Dolph Lundgren:
To say that this mans best moment wasn’t playing Ivan Drago would be very wrong so I’m not doing that. The Russian “Machine” labelled “Death from above” in the movie is a tower of muscle and foreboding. There’s not much acting needed for the role but you sure as hell believe he could kick ten tonnes of crap out Sylvester Stallone. Let’s face it he does also kill Apollo Creed, help make Universal Soldier cool and has some great moments in The Expendables.

Mickey Rourke:
Bringing the acting chops to The Expendables was Come-back king Mickey Rourke, putting enough conviction into the role to make a believable character in an un-believable film. His greatest moment for me, its clichéd but I have never seen the guy act as well as he did in the Wrestler.

Steve Austin:
Short but sweet but this guys best moments were saved for the square circle!

Bruce Willis:
Again Short but sweet, but the first Die Hard wins hands down. Although he has since proved his a much more versatile actor, he does make some bad choices in regards to his career.

I know very little about the other Expendables and need to get on with some writing that I’m very behind on. So hope you enjoyed reading.

The Buzz: 20/12/10

Above, poster for new film Battle L.A

Chris Hemsworth talks the Avengers

Zac Snyder's "Superman"...

17 minutes of lost footage from "2001: A Space Odyssey" Isn't it long enough?

Already Honeysuckle-d.

Alli Stripe pillow case and quilt cover from Country Road.
 After seeing Honeysuckle 18-2120, the nominated Pantone colour for 2011, I didn't think I would be jumping on the bandwagon too quickly. I'm not a huge pink/red fan - I leave that to my sister.
Then I realised I already have. I brought this fresh bedlinen a few months ago and it definitely has the Honeysuckle stripe running right through it. Honeysuckle-d in already.
Photographs via Country Road.

Pantone Colour 2011 - Honeysuckle

In November, Pantone annouced the colour for the year 2011. It is the bold 'Honeysuckle' -
"Courageous. Confident. Vital. A brave new color, for a brave new world. Let the bold spirit of Honeysuckle infuse you, lift you and carry you through the year. It’s a color for every day – with nothing “everyday” about it.
A dynamic reddish pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting. It elevates our psyche beyond escape, instilling the confidence, courage and spirit to meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of everyday life."
So if you thinking that you need something uplifting in your interiors- a small dose of Honeysuckle will be 2011's way to go.
Photograph via Pantone.

T'was the Week Before Christmas...

Summer time Christmas table from Country Road.
One more week until Christmas Day. Mum and I sat down and sorted out the Christmas menu and table setting yesterday. We're ready to go... Photograph via Country Road.

The Buzz: 19/12/10

Above, Glenn Close as the leading man!?

Sacha Baron Cohen in remake of the Spanish language comedy “Torrente"

Lee Daniels (Director of Precious)for "Anna in the Tropics"

Justin Biebers movie....

Up and coming movies...

Blue Valentine

In UK Cinemas 14th February

What they say:
BLUE VALENTINE is a story of love found and love lost told in past and present moments in time. Flooded with romantic memories of their courtship, Dean (Ryan Gosling HALF NELSON) and Cindy (Michelle Williams SHUTTER ISLAND) use one night to try and save their failing marriage.

What i say:
Another schlock worthy movie with Ryan Gosling at Valentines. its got chick flick and a date at the movie written all over it!

The Buzz: 18/12/10

Above poster for new film Vanishing on 7th Street

George Clooney caught in Gravity

A Conspiracy of Paper for Ridley Scott

James Mangold for "The Gunslinger"

Award ,

heyy blogger :D hari nii aku dpt another award lg :) aku dpt from Tinie :D thanks for the award ! jom kite ushaa award dia , jomm jomm :D

wahh , cantekk takk ? comel nye ! thanks dear :) act , award nii utk Kpop lover jee :D so klu de sesape Kpop lover yg jd followers saya , bole laaa amekk award nii yaa ! btw , utk award nii de soalan yg perlu di jawabb , jomm tgk :D

Soalan :
Dlm byk2 lagu Kpop , lagu ape yg korang suke ? bg nama dan tajuk lagunya . maximum 1-4 .

1. SHINee - Hello
2. Super Junior - No Other
3. Co-Ed - Bbiribeom Bberibeom
4. Beast - Beautiful

P/S : act , byk lg lagu yg aku suke dgr , bkn 4 nii jee , HAHA :D tp dh dia mintakk 4 jee kan ? so , aku bg 4 jee laa :) btw , utk followers aku yg minat Kpop , bole laa amekk award nii ehh :D

Melon Music Award :D ,

hello hello :D bangun bangun ! dh petangg dh nii :) HAHA ! act , Melon Music Award nii dh dilangsungkan smlm , 15 Disember 2010 pd jam 6.30 KST (5.30 ptg - waktu Malaysia) :D korangg dpt tgk LIVE takk ? best kan dpt tgk LIVE ? aku punn dpt tgk Melon Music Award nii secara LIVE :D Daebak !

Senarai pemenang Melon Music Award :
1. 2010 Best Dressed Award - SNSD
2. 2010 Concert Cultur
e - PSY (Right Now)
3. 2010 Song Writer - Composer
Lee Min Soo , Lyricist Kim Lee Na for IU’s "Nagging"
4. 2010 Music Video - PD Hwang Soo Ah for Ga-In`s "Irreversible"
5. 2010 Alternative - Hot Potato (Confession)
6. 2010 Trot - Jang Yoon Jung (Ole)
7. 2010 R&B - Gummy (Because You`re A Man)
8. 2010 Rap/Hip Hop - Supreme Team (Dang Dang Dang)

9. 2010 OST - Lee Seung Gi (Losing My Mind)
10. 2010 MBC+Star Award - Miss A (Bad Girl Good Girl)
11. 2010 MBC Radio Award - Jung Yeob (Love You/Without You
12. 2010 Hot Trend - SNSD (Hoot)

13. 2010 Netizen Popularity Battle - Super Junior (Bonamana)n
14. 2010 Newcomer - CNBLUE (I`m A Loner)
15. 2010 Top Ten -
2NE1 , CNBLUE , DJ Doc , 4MEN , SNSD , IU , 2AM , Lee Seung Gi , T-ara and 2PM

16. 2010 T-World Best Song (Daesang) - 2AM (Can`t Send You Away Even If I
17. 2010 Album (Daesang) - 2NE1 (To Anyone)

18. 2010 Artist (Daes
ang) - SNSD (Oh!)
Photos :

Video :
When Super Junior Won Award :D

Dream Team :D ,

heyy blogger ;D how are you today ? hope fine :) like the title utk entry hari nii , aku nakk story sikedd pasal Dream Team :D aku baru lepas tgk show nii smlm , HAHA ! klu korangg dh tgk mesti korangg tau kan yg smlm kat Dream Team , group Dream Team lwn 2PM enn enn ? mmg DAEBAK laa tyme dorangg lwn tuu , due2 same hebat , HAHA :D dorangg lwn dlm acara Dunk Relay , Dance Battle and Ssireum (Wrestling) :) dlm Dunk Relay , group Dream Team menangg . Dance Battle , 2PM and Ssireum , group Dream Team :D mmg best laa tgk show tuu :)
Photos :

HAHA ! aku dh tepek kan sikedd picture tyme Dream Team smlm :D tgk laaa yee :)