A Life less Ordinary

A Film less Ordinary

Lover: Taken from IMDB
“It seems that with A Life Less Ordinary you either love it or you hate it. Personally I am of the former persuasion, with it being a favourite of mine. I can see were the detractors come from, especially after viewing Boyle & Hodge's previous works. ALLO is in a completely different in style to their previous two films Shallow Grave and Trainspotting. But to say it is the weaker of the three films would be a fallacy. Stylistically the film is excellent - reminding me a lot of a Coen brothers film. The script is spot on and the performances of McGregor and Diaz are both excellent (which surprised me for Diaz) as their does seem to be a real chemistry between the two. A very enjoyable romantic comedy overall, and if an old cynic like me can say that, it must be good. “

The change in style from Shallow Grave and Trainspotting is one of the impressive things about this film, like Danny Boyle throwing an unpredicted left hook. It is however the weaker of the three as it doesn’t stay with you as much as the previous two. I can’t really see the comparisons to the Coens though?

Hater: Taken from IMDB
“How many times have I said that so and so is the worst picture I have ever viewed? Well, A Life Less Ordinary certainly qualifies. Delroy Lindo and Holly Hunter are sent back to earth to help a couple resolve their difficulties. They certainly got more than they bargained for. So did the writers of this inane script as well as the viewers who paid money to see such junk on screen. A young Ewan McGregor loses his job and his gal in one day. Frustrated beyond belief, he soon gets involved with his ex-boss's daughter who is also disillusioned with her father as he threatens her with going to work. The 2 grope their way into romance while fleeing Lindo and Hunter who die numerous times. Trouble is that they can't really die because they're already dead. Such is the same with this terrible film. Everything is so amateurish here. The bank robbery is not exactly what Bonnie and Clyde would have pulled either. Place the reel of this film in the green circular file.”

More a premise description than an actual review and no real points made, which is a shame if you’re going to brand a film as “junk”!

What I thought:After he released Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, in was only a matter of time before Hollywood came knocking at Danny Boyle’s door. The Beach was going to be the big money spinner but before that was a little romance in A Life Less Ordinary. This film was bound to get him noticed, mainly by the casting of Cameron Diaz who is on top form in this film. Boyle’s earlier muse Ewan McGregor continued in this film to be Danny Boyles eyes into what is a crazy world. It was nice to see the director at this stage in his career explore the nicer side of life.

His previous films though brilliant were an exploration of a darker side of human nature. This is the lighter side and uses fantasy elements to bring that light in. It’s funny but not overly so; above all it’s the performances that are funny. The looks and surprising charm of every character that shows you every actor loved making this film. With a CV like Danny Boyles is easy to forget he directed this but it’s worth a revisit every once in a while.