
Hattie the Elephant designed by David Weeks.

Simus the Rhino

Ursa the Bear

Animal Box: Polar Bear designed by Karl Zahn

Polar Bear box opened.

Animal box: Rhino

Animal Box: Whale

Whale box opened.
  I enjoy seeing quirky little details which give interest and character to interiors and for me, animals usually do this. I'm loving these fantastic timber animals from Areaware, New York and they are available in New Zealand from Simon James Concept Store and Fabric. Aren't they fabulous?
Photographs via Areaware.

Million Dollar Decorators... Tonight!

Tonight, decorators Mary McDonald, Jeffrey Alan Marks, Nathan Turner, Kathryn Ireland, and Martin Lawrence Bullard get the Bravo treatment. Fingers are crossed that their talent is showcased and that viewers will finally get the chance to see quality design featured once again on the tube.

Swedish Bedroom

Loving this peaceful bedroom. This is from a summer house in Gotland, Sweden - a great palette of blues and greys.
Photograph from Scandinavian Retreat via Remodelista.

Love this concept...

Here, it's the Italian boot -- but just think of all the other possibilities.


The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Sick buckets at the ready

Lover: Taken from IMDB
“How can anyone take The Human Centipede seriously? Please! It is so far out there it's calling long distance and sending postcards airmail! A mad scientist captures tourists and joins them mouth to anus to make a human centipede! Why?? Why not?! He's a mad scientist! That's what mad scientists do! Mad science stuff! IMDb classifies The Human Centipede as Horror / Drama / Thriller. It is also an intensely black and macabre comedy. Some of the dialogue is hilarious, such as the threats made by the Japanese 'segment' of Dieter Laser's insane creation. Technically (Yes, technically!), the film looks way more expensive than its budget would suggest and the craft on show (direction, lighting, acting (!), camera) is very professional. Given the constraints of the situation, the actors especially turn in a fine job. One day you're a couple of girlfriends, looking for the local disco and getting lost, the next you're a helluva lot closer than you or nature ever intended! I saw the film at a market screening, laid on as an extra because the first one was full to bursting. The Human Centipede is a sick and guilty pleasure and I loved it.”

As a body-shock horror film, the human centipede is head, shoulders and anus above the rest.

Hater: Taken from IMDB
“This movie is trash. It's a sick fetish-fueler for some weird cult to get off to. The plot is non-existent. If you want to know what this movie is about in a nutshell, here are some key plot points - mouth sewn to anuses, swallowing feces, and humans turned into slaves without dignity. People will say it's an original idea, but OF COURSE IT IS. It's never been done before because NO ONE HAS THOUGHT OF SOMETHING AS SICK AS THIS YET. After watching, I felt like I needed counseling, or something to make me forget the entire concept. On top of that, there is pathetic dialogue, acting, and directing. The movie literally ends without anything resolved and you just think "What was the point of this?" There's no greater idea, or hidden metaphors. The movie is about swallowing feces. DO NOT WATCH IT.”

This brings out the most important thing to remember when thinking about watching or indeed reviewing this…

What I thought:
It’s a horror film and its high concept - body shock idea at the centre of it is so ‘out there’ it will either impress you or annoy you. Either way it’s disgusting, a mad scientist decides to stitch three people mouth to anus; Human Centipede (First sequence). For those that are impressed with the idea you’ll be thinking how the hell they got this film made or how audacious it was to ignore any real science. Which brings me to my next point, one of the biggest criticisms slung at this film are its scientific inaccuracies.

For me it was neither, I was impressed with the idea and how they got it made but even more I was grossed out. Put yourself on their kneecaps and it’s a horrifying thing to happen, some of the later sequences of tension and escape attempts are little hampered by the speed of the film. A slow drip drip rather than a gush of horrific bodily moments and a sustained feeling of fear leave the film a little stretched. Probably an idea best suited as a smaller part of a horror anthology than its own feature.

The best thing about Human Centipede is the performance of Dieter Laser, his highly impressive turn as a creepy scientist is just that; creepy. Flitting between dead eye coldness to adoration for his creation (I’m a poet).It is all nuanced with all extreme emotions tied complete with a loss of humanity. Maybe a bit deep but it is a great performance. In another film it would have been brilliant, sadly with an idea that’s like marmite it will lose a lot of people.

The Human Centipede should not be watched by those easily disgusted and it’s far from perfect, This idea however is so out of this world it is worth seeing in celluloid even if just to think “how the hell did they get away with this?”.

The Buzz: 30/05/11

The nex series of The I.T. Crowd to be the last

Isaiah Mustafa REALLY wants to be 'Luke Cage'

"Jack the Giant Killer" starts shooting

Bradley Cooper in 'Paradise Lost'

Lovely Randomness...

Source unknown

The Buzz: 28/05/11

Orlando Bloom confirmed for The Hobbit

Thanos in The Avengers

Michael Mann to direct 'Go Like Hell'

Sharks in a Shopping Mall and here's the trailer...

Young Bruce Lee

A beautiful postcard to a Legend

Lover: Taken from IMDB

“I expected a lot from this film since the first time I saw the trailer,Bruce Lee is a legend, a hero to many people but this movie is different to other biopics about him...The story is based on the Robert's Lee book about his brother, for that reason here we see Bruce through the eyes of his brother instead through the eyes of a fan...Bruce lee here is Lee Jun Fan, on his teenage years, he is not a superhero, he is just an ordinary boy with the typical problems of youth...that is the great success of the movie, we know the real man instead of the legend.We also know his fiends and family, Bruce's dad is played by tony leung ka fai, probably the best of the film, his performance is powerful,honest and brilliant..I think many Bruce lee fans will feel disappoint with this human portrait of Bruce and others will love it... I am of the second a Bruce lee fan i consider this one his best biopic.”

I agree about it being a good film, however in regards to the ‘human portrait’ of Bruce Lee I’m not so sure.

Hater: Taken from IMDB
“For those about to buy this film; Beware... If you expect to learn anything about Bruce Lee, the man as we know, forget it. One hour into this film, Lee is still a small child. We get back stories about every single person who even had a moments contact with him. After the first hour the viewer realises that the film is half over, and there is simply not enough time to spend on the adult Bruce. 129 minutes later, the film ends, with no ending... There is not one fight in the entire film, no scenes of Bruce learning kung fu, nothing at all. And the most frustrating thing of all; after spending 45 minutes on the life of...Bruce lee's aunt, who had cancer, we are shown the great Yip Man; well, we are shown THE BACK OF YIP MAN'S HEAD, for about 8 seconds!! Then a teenage Bruce and some school friends are walking in front of a school and the film ABRUPTLY ends. I still can't believe what i have watched. Is this the same film that people gave a rating of 7 here? Was my DVD defective? I don't think so, because the film did run 129 minutes. In short, action fans will absolutely DESPISE this inane film about Bruce Lee's aunt, as there is not one scene featuring Kung Fu technique. And fans of drama will hate it because there is no ending; the thing just stops with no resolution. I am assuming this was part of a very long mini series, and some dishonest distributor put the first episode on DVD to make a quick buck. And by the way; I was not aware that Bruce Lee had a brother. Of all the Bruce rip-off\cash-in films, "bruce Lee My Brother" is the absolute worst. I returned the DVD to the shop, and let them know it was defective. I mean it HAD to be defective, right? This could not possibly be the final product..”

At the other end of the spectrum we have someone who wanted a Bruce Lee film, not a film about Bruce Lee as a youngster. Shame really as there is some action in the film and though it does breeze over some of the more important issues these are things we know. This film reveals things you might not know.

What I thought:

I really enjoyed this film; I thought that it was a beautifully shot and well-acted story that shows that a lot of care and attention went into it. The story of the young Bruce Lee is the time of his life that a large majority of us know nothing about. It has buckets of silly humour and teenage angst, not to much a pinch of family drama and of course action. This however is not a Burce Lee film; it’s a film about Bruce Lee. From birth to how he leaves Hong Kong and onto our big screens; it traces through building a group of friends around him to tales of teenage delinquency and cha cha contests. Of course there is some action with a boxing rivalry and moments of peril with drug dealers but that’s only a small part.

My only real criticism is just how much dramatic licence has been given, I’m know Bruce Lee Historian but some of the moments seem a bit far-fetched especially the penultimate roof chasing scene. This is small criticism for a film that works well as a lovely tribute to a legend, it is such a well-crafted piece of cinema that even if you don’t appreciate any of the above you can at least appreciate how good looking the film is.

William Waldron Favorite...

This is one of my favorite interior photos from William Waldron. Anyone know who styled this eclectic space?

I love to edit pictures

Most of the time I edit pictures and make them look good. I don't know how others think about them. But I love to do it. Now I am going to show some of those and yes more to come soon.

my cousin become a superman

Do you love Rain tree flower?

Do you know about Rain tree? I guess you know, if you don't read this: It is  large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle. Ok, now my topic is do you love rain tree flowers, I love a lot..... Lets have a look at this...

red rain tree flowers of my campus

red flowers are good

rain tree and flowers

rain tree flowers

rain tree flowers

Flowers in SAU campus

SAU campus is one of the best of all the campus in Bangladesh. It has a beautiful view and a good amount of trees all over the campus. Specially in the winter season there are plenty of flowers of various spices are available here. Do you want to see some of those? Yes, I am posting those, but as I don't have a digital camera or high definition camera I am gonna upload my mobile pictures. I will try future to provide good quality pictures for you. Thanks for reading this, enjoy...

A beautiful red Dhalia
White Cosmos flowers 

slightly different
Mix of red and white makes it more beautiful : Dhalia

Dhalia : different them the previous

Dhalia: slightly pink, looks more beautiful
Dhalia: slightly pink, looks more beautiful

yellow gladiolus, like it?
Gladiolus : yellow gladiolus, like it?

yellow Marigold flower
Marigold flower

A Marigold flower
Marigold flower

A tuberose stick
A tuberose stick

The Buzz: 27/05/11

Uglydoll's to get a film

Watch The Lion King in 3D

Live action Akira production halts again...

As does the proposed 'Uncharted' adaptation

Pretty Architectural Models

1/100 Paper model set no. 11 Cherry Blossom from Upon a Fold.

Designed by Terada Mokei, these cute models are 1:100 scale.

The models flat packed - ready for assembling.

1/100 Paper model set no. 10 Street Tree

Architectural models are not usually as pretty as these ones! I'm enjoying these spring-like scenes as we venture into our Winter season. Have a good weekend everyone.
Photographs via Upon a Fold.

I love Rain

I love to walk in the rain. It makes me happy and I feel good to walk with someone close to me. If you get a chance to walk in the rain, do n't forget to call your dearer one to join with you, so that you both can enjoy.

friends in the rain
Friends in the Rain

Amazing Cars 2

Amazing car models, here are some of the beautiful car wallpapers, Download these for your desktop and laptops: