12 Things I Can't Live Without?

I have always enjoyed reading the 12 Things I Can't Live Without page in Elle Decor. Reading about what others covet often leads to new discoveries for yourself. I am sure I could survive without these comforts, but they sure do make the world a more pleasing place for me.


I. The perfectly worn flannel shirt. My uniform of sorts (weather permitting).

II. Feu de Bois candle from Diptyque. It's like a campfire of wonderfully aged woods... in a pretty jar.

III. Vintage photographs. One of my favorite things to collect.

IV. Rufus Wainwright. Especially the Want albums.

V. Linen Bedding. Comfortable in the winter. Comfortable in the summer.

VI. Prune restaurant. I love it when a restaurant introduces you to new flavors with such a simple, unpretentious presentation.

VII. Interior design books.

VIII. Reality TV was once considered a guilty pleasure for me, but now I have fully embraced my love of the genre without apology. One of my favorites is Bethany Ever After on Bravo. Believe me, the list goes on and on... and on.

IX. The talent of Bobby McAlpine.

X. Documentaries. I love a good documentary. My all-time favorite has to be David and Albert Maysles' Grey Gardens. I recently enjoyed Banksy's Exit Through the Gift Shop.

XI. Momofuku's Pork Buns. What can I say? Just look at the photo.

XII. New York City. What is it about a place that always makes one feel completely alive and inspired? Looking forward to the next visit!