I will War for You

Letter from God to us.. 

I will war for you when you are weak
and can't go on.
Giving to you renewed strength.

I will war for you when people
are slandering you, with words
and assassinating your character
I will war for you, that you will
not get stuck in the mud.

I will war for you maintaining your integrity
for you were born to win, to soar above
the storms of life.
Yes I will carry your pain, humiliation
and all of your shame.
I will war so that you will live above sin.

I will war for you to continue to display
My love, embracing each hurting soul
whose path you cross, in spite
of the false accusers.

I will war for you, fighting your battles
giving to you the victories, and ushering
you into My presence where you will find
joy beyond measure.

I will war for you, you are my Choice Vessel
whom I have chosen, to display my love
to a hurting world filled with pain.

I will war for you, I love you so much
that I sacrificed My only Son Jesus Christ
to die in your place
so that you can live daily abundantly
free from the ravages of sin.

Always remember Jehovah Gibbor will arise
to war for you, through Jesus Christ
your Intercessor, your High Priest.
The Lamb who died for you.

Signed: Your Abba Father who loves you
