light at the end of the tunnel

I'm reading my posts of the last days... It's like a graph including the highest maxes and the lowest peaks.... One moment I say I can't stand it the other I say it's done ....
friday 9-9-11 8:08 am it's 2 days now we havent any contact either fb , yo, yahoo phone.As I wrote yesterday I 'm just worried if all is ok with you.
But if this is the way you want it : no objections.

Besides there is light at the end of the tunnel...

The pain is not on the day of missing our dear ones.
The pain is really when u live without them
with their presence in your mind.

"when my absence doesn't alter ur life,
then my presence has no meaning in ur life..

Its Not When I Look Back,
At All The Memories &
Good Times We Had,
Makes Me Sad,
Its When U Consider Those,
Memories As Nothing To you,
When They Meant,
Everything To Me.