new week !!!

Monday 12-9-11 08:37 a.m

A new week has starting we haven't had any contact since last Friday and this has to do that the power supply in your area is down! This makes situation even worse cause no matter I hard try NOT to think you my mind cannot this means that you were constantly in my mind!!!! Luckily last night you managed to post in fb that all iss ok !!! I was worried ...yes I'm still worried and I'm still in love.
I smiled when you mentioned in fb Love you all xx. (I know this one was meant for me)

Weekend was very difficult for me regarding all aspects! Situation with m at home gets better but still she cannot trust me. With you there was no contact ...
so it was quite heavily emotionaly loaded... with outbursting in tears just like this by listening to a song or by watching a movie on tv.
With m we have been making love :)on friday night. Then somewhere on 5 a.m we did it again.... but... i couldnt cum... was doing my best to...
The only way to be more concetrated was to bring your image in my thoughts your voice
telling me fuck me babes , yes fuck me then only i could release it ONLY FOR YOU....
That moment I realized that this we have is so special and unique.
I miss all these specious moments we have been sharing! I miss making love to you.
I miss your voice telling me I'm your fucker!
Aggele mou please know that I think and pray for you !!!!
Ságapo para poli.