
I remember reading about an art competition where the theme given was "PEACE". The artist who most effectively depicted peace in his artwork would win the competition. The artists gathered their paints, canvases and brushes and started working on creating their masterpiece..

When the time came to judge the artworks, the judges were impressed by the various scenes of tranquility illustrated by the artists. There was a majestic piece capturing the brilliance of the sun setting over lush greenery, one that depicted a serene landscape of monlit hills and another evocative piece that showed a lone man walking leisurely through rustic paddy fields..

Then, the judges came upon a peculiar piece that looked almost horrifying and perhaps even ugly to some. it was the very antithesis of every other piece that the judges had seen.

It was a wild cacophony of violent colors and the aggression with which the artist had lashed his brush against the canvas was obvious.

It depicted a raging storm where the ocean waves were swollen to menaching heights and slamming against the craggy edges of a cliff with thunderous force. Lightning zigzagged across the blackened sky and the branches of the single tree that was perched atop the cliff were all swept to the side by the force of the gale. Now, how could this pictures be the epitome of peace?
Yet, the judges unanimously awarded the first prize to the artist who painted the turbulent storm. While the results initially appeared to be appalling, the judges' decision immediately became clear once you gave the winning canvas a closer look.

Hidden in a crevice in the cliff is a family of eagles snug in their nest. The mother eagle faces the blustering winds, but her young chicks are oblivious to the storm and have dozed off under the shelter of her wing.

Now, that's the kind of peace that Jesus give to you and me! He give us peace, security, covering and protection even in the midst of a storm. The psalmist describes tis beautifully:

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow off the Almighty... He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.

-Joseph Prince-