so fucking frustrating

14:23 just called you ... called you even though I know you don't want to cause calling makes it more difficult... IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW HE IS HOW HIS WEEKEND WAS...
Anyway I have been explaining that it was a difficult emotionally weekend cause theres a lot happened at home and cause I have been terribly missing you.
Then you start telling you don't want to be a reason that I break up with my wife...
YOU KNOW VERY WELL YOU WONT ..therefore don't use it as an excuse...

For me it clear... I can't hurt myself anymore by doing this...
I didn't ask too much from you only your love...and in return i get back knifes deep in my heart... No... I won't keep it up I got to protect myself...

I'm so frustrated ...unfortunately not apreciated and not telling this cause I'm mad or angry I USED TO BE SO HAPPY WITH YOU.... now I dont want to be unhappy!

it's not fitting to me... I don't deserve it... I cried and cried like a small kid
i told you how do I feel for you and I know you feel the same way...

Go on with your life be happy with it...

For me that's it... and it's not my choise .
Hope very soon you realize what you've been causing.