9:00 a.m

it's 9.16 am now and the last 15 minutes i sit and think think think...
I miss something... a daily activity that didn't take place today and will not in the future as well.
The txt @ 9 officialy from today it has to stop...
Why? Yesterday we discussed the fact that txt can be dangerous for you in case theres something happening to you... You came with explanations like if you are going to be hospitalized etc and then you won't be able to erase the tracks from the sms then they will get back to me....

I cannot say so much but only to agree...If I see it from its realistic point of view yes you are absolutely right.
Seeing it from the hearts side there are rising so many mixed feelings...
Is this maybe the end? Or the way to the end? Or you had enough from me?
I don't know what to think , I only feel confused.
For me the sms thing since the moment i started sending them to u became more than a habit... it became a ritual of thinking to find creative ways to show my love and my care for on person: you.
I don't know how yesterday this came up to you or what happened in between in your personal life and you had to announce me this....

Are there more drastic measures to be taken in the future? I don't know he answer... I just write down how I feel this moment...
I know very well you love me and you show it to me in everyway you can...
I know that my love for you still grows bigger and bigger
but just now these negative thoughts are passing through my mind and I hope they will soon pass away...cause nothing more counts than your loving.
There's no better feeling knowing that somewhere in the world that there is a soul existing that perfectly matches with mine...that she loves me that she cares for me...
And me? oh how much i adore her... and everything around her..
Ek is baie lief vir jou!