your mail..... 9 months in a nutshell

Dear Vas

Where does one begin to say how much 9 months meant to you ....

I guess the words THANK YOU start to get a whole new meaning when typing this ...

I recall the beginning of our friendship - It was so easy to talk to you - and so easy to share with you - From the start I knew you are a lovely, warmhearted, caring and loving person, but little did I know just HOW MUCH warmhearted, caring and loving you are, till ... we started sharing and showing our feelings for each other.
Those feelings grew and grew and it blossomed into the wonderful LOVE and being IN LOVE with each other that we shared.

Your wonderful warm personality attracted me and neither do I have to say that I felt so privileged to not only share my love with your outstanding personality but also with you as an extremely handsome man that are always smartly, neatly dressed and portray a very good look to the world out there! So many times I've wanted to buy you something smart in a shop, something that I knew would fit you physically as well as spiritually.

Vas, I know nothing that I cay say or no words in a dictionary can express just how much you're hurting - Once again I want to say that I'm so genuinely sorry for all the pain and hurt I've caused both of us - I also know you've said things out of a hurt perspective and experiencing so much pain, because of my decision to end the wonderful love we shared .... I've put knives in your heart and its bleeding ... To type this is so hurtful - knowing that I'm causing so much pain.
It was such a shock to have read that you felt I'm "fucking around" with your feelings - I don't want to think of the impact of those words, because it's a painful process and it's so sad that you feel this way.
SInce I'm not an unforgiven person, I will try putting those words behind me.

Vas, what we shared was so pure, so intense, so wonderful, so lovely ... so MANY things!
Never did a day go by that I didn't feel extremely loved and cared for by you ..
You had the ability to take me from a low to a high - Just by being YOU, you did that ...
You were there for me through it all - Through the sads and through the joys, through ups and downs, through laughter and through tears - You've seen so many sides of me, experienced me in total, my everything I've let you experience with me, because there were trust and total commitment. You know things about me that my husband doesn't even know ...

I want to THANK YOU so much for making my days extra specious by means of many things: whether it was the 09:00 SMS, the anticipated phone call later in the day to hear your lovely warm voice, to meet you in Yoville and share and share and talk and talk and usually end those meetings with very specious ways of making love in sensual, erotic, sensitive, vulnerable lovemaking. Thank you so much for the wonderful ways you've made me reach climax and sharing my ultimate loveconnection with you .... THANK YOU for all the wonderful cam-sessions we shared, for the absolute total openness you've let me experienced your private parts and the way you let yourself to climax and showing me your total commitment at that as well.

Never ever did I wonder exactly just how much you love me and care for me - You gave your everything for me, Vas - Whether it was your time by spending as much time possible with me, or spending money on me for sms'ing and phoning and calling me almost every day ... you did it ... You were so totally committed and devoted to me ... tears .... THANK YOU, Vasilis, for showing your sincerity regarding the specious love we shared!

Being total open with me, sharing with me your highs and lows, and in the process we shared each other's highs and lows - You gave unconditionally, never expected anything in return - What you did, came straight from your heart - THANK YOU for loving straight from your heart! It was just so wonderful receiving all your love and purity of intensions - You just gave and gave and because of that, you made it so easy for me to also give my all and everything to you! THANK YOU for making me blossom - not only IN your presence, but also WITHOUT your presence, I had this huge smile on my face and a lovesong in my heart!

You had the way of coloring my grey days with rainbow colors, or on days when I was more sensitive, you colored those days with soft pastels ... Treating me exactly the way I needed to be treated, because we shared this wonderful connection - knowing each other's words and thoughts and emotions ... and completing and finishing off each other's existence by each other's total allignment with each other.

Last, but definitely not the least ... Oh gosh ... Tears, tears, tears ....


"Is this man for real? .... Loving me sooo much and being sooo much in love with me ... by creating this very specious way of showing his love to me, sharing his feelings with me, his joys, his unconditional way of feeling and devotion for me ...YEEEES, HE IIIIIIIISSSSS FOR REAL!"

It is sooo hard for me to type here now ... I just sit here and cry and cry and cry ....

You blogged me almost every day - It was so an excitement wondering what I would find on the blog next ... Every post was so extremely SPECIOUS and unique ...
In every post I could SEE your heart and your love for me ....
In every post I could FEEL your heart and your love for me ....
EVERY POST CONTRIBUTED towards our love ...
EVERY POST made one thing very clear: That you unconditionally love me
EVERY POST made me feel as if I really was a queen! Because you let me feel that I deserve a crown on my head and just the best treatment possible ...

Tears, tears, tears

Vas, I really pray that the words of one blog about a week ago, wouldn't turn into reality - When you said that you hope love doesn't turn into hate ... Tears again -
May I please ask that you too will refrain from letting a wonderful love shared being outcasted and overpowered by bitterness, pain and hurt ... Please, Vas ... please ....

The time is 23:17, Monday night, 26 September 2011 and I've typed this mail without any restrictions on my mind - I've said things as they formed in my thoughts.

Vas, my sincere wish is that you will be healed from this very hurtful and painful seriously soon and in the time it takes to get to total healing, be blessed with calmness and wisdom to carry each day on it's on merit.

THANK YOU, Vasilis, for the wonderful ways you've shared your wonderful love with me -



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