Photographer - Chris Tubbs
It's Friday and I think that calls for some moody still life interiors by photographer Chris Tubbs. Aren't they lovely?
Photographs via Chris Tubbs.
The Silent House

All filmed in one continuous shot!
Lover: Taken from IMDB
“From its first scene, La Casa Muda establishes an excellent atmosphere of horror and anguish thanks to the rural locations and the efficient "hand-held" work which brings it a semi-documentary style and makes us to "live" the characters' point of view in order to experiment the horror. And during the second moment...There is no second scene! The whole movie was filmed in a long continuous take (supposedly), something which might be a bit baffling on the beginning. But I could immediately "get into" the screenplay, and that became into an essential factor in order to emphasize the suspense which was achieved this modest horror film, which might not be great, but which kept me very interested and entertained.”
Modest is a key word when thinking about this film, a good review for an effective horror.
Hater: Taken from IMDB
“The movie sucks, no scares and no one is confusing! I do not recommend that attended, because, frankly, it was a waste of time my 10 minutes that I'm even spending for comment on the feeling I had when watching a movie as bad as this! At no moment in the film he scares you. and you expect to jump from his chair with that movie, sleeping is better, who knows, you take a trip dreaming! Good movie is "The Grudge" (just watched the two, still have not watched the three). You'll jump! Another good movie that does not alarm, but it is a terror that gives you chills, with Jack Nicholson's "The Shining" (1980). These movies are so great! Another I recommend is "Misery"(1990). All these, I'm sure, who have not watched, will enjoy! Note: 1/10”
Comparing it to The Shining and Misery is massively unfair and unfounded. The fact they make no real point about why they thought it “sucked” speaks volumes.
What I thought:
I’ll talk about the technical achievements first, The Silent House as you may have already guessed was filmed in one continuous tracking shot. When normal movies shout action it could just be for a couple of minutes maybe even less, this film did away with it and what strikes you first is just how much of a logistical nightmare that would have been! For this reason alone The Silent House is a technical work of genius, luckily its actually very creepy.
Because of the nature of the shoot the passage of time may be a bit of an issue for some people, personally I think it made it feel more real that you were really in it with them. The camera following the action frustratingly doesn’t always follow your eye line, again this might be frustrating for some people but I like it. I’ve always been a firm believer in What you don’t see is more scary and by these standards I’m loving this film. One scene in particular using just a Polaroid camera to light up a pitch black room is excellently uncomfortable, the scares equally so!
The film is not without its faults and as predicted it’s the sacrifices they made for the continuous shoot. Certain parts seem to drag further than is necessary, without the breathing space of cutting; the pace of the film is a little muddled. Another thing it loses is time for exposition, this means trying to piece together what’s happening with only little clues. You may get what’s been happening in ‘The Silent House’ but I was a little baffled.
So there you have it, a technical tour de force with some incredibly effective creepy moments and scares. It is only dragged down by its biggest selling point with little or no time for anything else it might be hard to swallow for some.
love you
My sweet love
Its such a hectic day today I have so few time to update our love paradise.. The place where all my feelings are registrated…Awwww I love this place
So much cause here no matter what I can always express the way I feel for you and I know somewhere later in the day you’ll be able to read it my love.
It might sound cliche or i might sound cliche but my girl my sweet girl… every time we meet it’s such a pleasure to be with you. We share all these beautiful
Stories from our lifes , loved it last night when you told me a secret from your life when you were 9 years old. It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to share this with me.
All the moments we share are unique and so valuable.
Both we are trapped with wrong people trapped in a wrong place probably making wrong choices(made) , we are both physically and emotionaly tired.
Letting our lifes moving on …And then suddenly we met each other… Accidently I discovered our first cam session on 6-1-11 babelove…
It’s so special to read it… From the first moment I met you i felt vibrations in my heart and in my body.
Day by day from january we are today in 30 of june six months later (wow my love ) we have been leting this thing to grow in a such a beautiful love.
Six months and theres no moment that I have been doubting about my feelings for you. Six months of pure love full of passion.
Cause this is me your V and my love for such a special girl as you only pasionate can be.
We love eachother unconditionaly and let our selves loose in our love. Day by day it becomes stronger… we get to know each other better and we both
Come to the conclusion …heyyy where was this person why do i met her now? And not earlier?
My love I know we are both having our families but … I constantly notice that your inner beauty your kindness
Your loving (soo passionate), beeing extremely smart ( for a blondie) have winning me so much that I’m completely surrendered to you.
Wish so much to be together now…then you would feel how much I love you my princess then you would feel how much I adore you not only as a person
But as a woman… then you would feel my loving from all aspects
My sun thank you for sending me your love beams…they have reached even the most darkest places in my heart…
Its such a hectic day today I have so few time to update our love paradise.. The place where all my feelings are registrated…Awwww I love this place
So much cause here no matter what I can always express the way I feel for you and I know somewhere later in the day you’ll be able to read it my love.
It might sound cliche or i might sound cliche but my girl my sweet girl… every time we meet it’s such a pleasure to be with you. We share all these beautiful
Stories from our lifes , loved it last night when you told me a secret from your life when you were 9 years old. It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to share this with me.
All the moments we share are unique and so valuable.
Both we are trapped with wrong people trapped in a wrong place probably making wrong choices(made) , we are both physically and emotionaly tired.
Letting our lifes moving on …And then suddenly we met each other… Accidently I discovered our first cam session on 6-1-11 babelove…
It’s so special to read it… From the first moment I met you i felt vibrations in my heart and in my body.
Day by day from january we are today in 30 of june six months later (wow my love ) we have been leting this thing to grow in a such a beautiful love.
Six months and theres no moment that I have been doubting about my feelings for you. Six months of pure love full of passion.
Cause this is me your V and my love for such a special girl as you only pasionate can be.
We love eachother unconditionaly and let our selves loose in our love. Day by day it becomes stronger… we get to know each other better and we both
Come to the conclusion …heyyy where was this person why do i met her now? And not earlier?
My love I know we are both having our families but … I constantly notice that your inner beauty your kindness
Your loving (soo passionate), beeing extremely smart ( for a blondie) have winning me so much that I’m completely surrendered to you.
Wish so much to be together now…then you would feel how much I love you my princess then you would feel how much I adore you not only as a person
But as a woman… then you would feel my loving from all aspects
My sun thank you for sending me your love beams…they have reached even the most darkest places in my heart…
so true!!!
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from. "
Two Year Anniversary
It was this day two years ago that I started this blog. Two years...! Check my first blog posting here when I was still figuring this 'blog' thing out.
If you've been a regular reader, thanks for your support and I hope you'll continue to visit.
So two year anniversaries are traditionally celebrated and gifted with Cotton. So check out this great new textile range from Country Road - yep, all made of cotton. All in great colours for Spring...which is only a few months away...
If you've been a regular reader, thanks for your support and I hope you'll continue to visit.
So two year anniversaries are traditionally celebrated and gifted with Cotton. So check out this great new textile range from Country Road - yep, all made of cotton. All in great colours for Spring...which is only a few months away...
All photographs via Country Road.
Stylish London Home
I am enjoying viewing this stylish Notting Hill home designed by London designer, Charles Mellersh. Harmonious, modern, warm and simple. I especially like the use of brass fixtures in the kitchen - this trend also features in The Shingle House posted earlier this month.
Check out Remodelista's trade secrets here to create the same vibe as this London home.
Photographs by Chris Tubbs via Remodelista.
A Notting Hill home designed by Charles Mellersh. |
Kitchen |
Bedroom |
Bathroom |
Check out Remodelista's trade secrets here to create the same vibe as this London home.
Photographs by Chris Tubbs via Remodelista.
The Buzz: 29/06/11

Above, new David Tennant character poster for 'Fright Night' remake
Steve Carell at an FBI wedding
Johnny Depp performs with Alice Cooper?
'Pometheus' The Alien prequel explained...
you are my love forever
And all the wonderful things
That they bring into my life,
Are like nothing else
I have ever known.
My heart is complete
With the Love we share,
And our Love grows more
Beautiful each day.
I Love you,
And as long as we are together,
I have everything I need.
You are with me always...
In a smile, a memory, a feeling
Or a moment we share.
I Love you &
You will always
be my...
My Forever Love.
That they bring into my life,
Are like nothing else
I have ever known.
My heart is complete
With the Love we share,
And our Love grows more
Beautiful each day.
I Love you,
And as long as we are together,
I have everything I need.
You are with me always...
In a smile, a memory, a feeling
Or a moment we share.
I Love you &
You will always
be my...
My Forever Love.
ek is baie lief vir jou!
Good morning my love
Wednesday 29 june.round Last night the precious time spent with you is still fresh in my mind…Every sec every minute spent with you my love I can so good remember…
Your sweet words, your advice your jokes your tears your sorrow.. everything. This inner beauty of you is uncomparable. This unique character of yours makes me love you more and more every day.
Sometimes I sit and wonder : I LOVE YOU SO MUCH …it cannot be… somewhere there must me a limit or a peak …but my girl my sweetgirl my love for you is deepless, indefinite.
When you tell me: that I give you so many butterflies, that you thinkof me every second, that you love me unconditionally looking at my pics in fb waiting for me to meet to our secret paradise in fb.
My sweet sweetest love every day more and more I realize that we are both perfectly matched for each other. Your piece of heart matches 100% with mine.Together these 2 pieces united form a unique piece of love OUR LOVE! And you know when you tell me you like to have my name A---- G---- and want to carry my baby.Now… what can I say ? There’s no words to describe it…
You got my devotion my affection my attention but most of all you got my LOVE…tears… tears of love and happiness tears for you cause you mean so much for me.
I love you
Wednesday 29 june.round Last night the precious time spent with you is still fresh in my mind…Every sec every minute spent with you my love I can so good remember…
Your sweet words, your advice your jokes your tears your sorrow.. everything. This inner beauty of you is uncomparable. This unique character of yours makes me love you more and more every day.
Sometimes I sit and wonder : I LOVE YOU SO MUCH …it cannot be… somewhere there must me a limit or a peak …but my girl my sweetgirl my love for you is deepless, indefinite.
When you tell me: that I give you so many butterflies, that you thinkof me every second, that you love me unconditionally looking at my pics in fb waiting for me to meet to our secret paradise in fb.
My sweet sweetest love every day more and more I realize that we are both perfectly matched for each other. Your piece of heart matches 100% with mine.Together these 2 pieces united form a unique piece of love OUR LOVE! And you know when you tell me you like to have my name A---- G---- and want to carry my baby.Now… what can I say ? There’s no words to describe it…
You got my devotion my affection my attention but most of all you got my LOVE…tears… tears of love and happiness tears for you cause you mean so much for me.
I love you
love is...
love is a endless journey together done by standing on both ends of life...telling each other "im here for u always,no matter what"
Bathroom - Vanity Basins with a touch of Colour.
I met with a client today and when I proposed allocating a soft blue-green onto the new bathroom vanity, she was uncertain about this combination. So I thought I would bring up this bathroom from last year - all neutral with a side of soft blue. Hope she's keen.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.
Soft blue with T&G on the bathroom vanity. |
In a neutral bathroom, colour on the vanity works well. |
The same combination was carried on into the Ensuite. |
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.
The Buzz: 28/06/11

Above, Poster for remake of 'Footloose' it looks AWFUL!
300 sequel details
Ben Affleck to direct himself again in Argo
Guillermo Del Toro talks the future
I will love you for ever
I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.
You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,
You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,
You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,
You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,
You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,
You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,
You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.
Pulau Seribu
Air bergulir dengan riangnya..
Riakan acak membasahi..
Bak lukisan raksasa..
Biru dan biru..
Menyatu sejauh mata memandang..
Bintang laut menyapa..
Memberikan efek gradasi..
Akh.. Indah nian sang surya..
Hangat dan cerah..
Secerah lompatan sirip-sirip..
Itu dulu..
Air bergulir dengan terkantuk-kantuk..
Riakannya tersendat..
Entah berapa banyaknya..
Biru-biru suram..
Menyatu namun seakan terpaksa..
Bintang laut terserok..
Memberikan efek "blur"..
Akh.. sang surya menusuk..
Panas dan silau..
Sesilau erangan dunia..
I Like...
I like...this relaxing window spot in actress Courteney Cox's home, now featured in the latest Elle Decor magazine. Apparently Courteney wanted to be an architect before she became an actress. Interesting.
Read and see more of the house here..
Charlotte Minty Design now has a Facebook page - become a friend and 'like' our page. Thanks for your support.
Photograph via Table Tonic.
Read and see more of the house here..
Charlotte Minty Design now has a Facebook page - become a friend and 'like' our page. Thanks for your support.
Photograph via Table Tonic.

My sweet love thank you so much for your beautiful messages!!!!!
I have been reading them again and again and again !!!Like a small kid who sticks his finger in the jam pot,I do exactly the same with your postings!!!
Today its quite hectic over here so didnt have enough time but occasionaly I was coming here to our love paradise place and looking at your posts smiling and kept on working!!!
You are such a loveable creature !!!!
And the way you gave your heart to me in your precious post
I've already been surrendered to your loving and been delivering you my heart
cause it belongs to you....
All these postings have been giving me so much inspiration I could keep on writing ....hundreads of pages for you for how i feel for you how much i love you.
Myn skattebol ek is baie lief vir jou!!!
I have to go now my love ....:( work calls
My Angel
I LOVE YOU want to shout to all the world i'm in love with you
Wallpaper - Ferm Living
I am at present working on a residential job which includes a young boy's bedroom. This boy, like many, loves trucks, cars and all things on wheels. I think this popular and graphic wallpaper called 'Rush Hour' from Danish company Ferm Living hits the spot for a feature wall in his bedroom.
Photograph via Ferm Living.
Photograph via Ferm Living.
Comme Ca...

Potret Anak Desa
Bilik-bilik menyembul dari balik riukan atap..
Entah sudah berapa abad..
Terus saja berderik..
Aku melantunkan nada-nada sumbang..
Mencoba mendengar dialog kaum dewasa..
yang tak jauh dari alam dan dunia luar..
Mungkin aku terlalu kecil untuk mencerna..
atau aku memang tidak mengilhami apa-apa..
Semua tertawa..
Gelak yang membuatku mengerang..
Cerahkanlah aku..
Berilah sedikit isyarat..
Ajarilah aku mengecap sedikit saja..
Aku bukan buta..
aku hanya tak mengenal..
Hiruk pikuk..
Hingar bingar..
Satu.. satu..
Dua.. dua..
Mengikuti tanpa kata "tunggu"..
Kata demi kata..
Berkejar-kejaran bak gema..
Mengalir tanpa henti..
dari dua insan..
yang menghilhami..
Bingkisan malam nan apik..
Jonathan Viner...

Above, Bloodline 36"x48", Oil on panel 2007
The Survivor

Past it’s sell by date
Lover: Taken from IMDB
“Saw this movie while in the USA in the eighties. Much better and more believable than any of the later run-of-the-mill films I've seen, Stephen King and the like. It might be said that The Survivor is a forerunner to Carrie, also an excellent and scary movie. I remember vividly a scene where a paparazzi photographer is developing a shot of a totally burnt face, and where gradually a pair of large, staring eyes appear, driving the scoundrel out of his mind. I believe that I remember this scene as well as anything from that period of my life, although it's twenty years ago. There's no happy ending to the story, so the spectator ends up with an uncomfortable knowledge of evil and a feeling of tragedy. This film ought to be given another chance with the public. This film really was an eyeopener, and subsequently I've tried never to miss a new Aussie movie.”
This review is a little more favourable than I am, however the film is superbly atmospheric.
Hater: Taken from IMDB
“Part of an ill-fated two-picture deal (alongside Harlequin) that Robert Powell signed in the wake of Jesus of Nazareth's success, Australian horror movie The Survivor is a fairly good idea undone by clumsy writing and rushed execution, although the film looks like it's either been heavily edited or they ran out of money and couldn't film everything in the script. Ideas are left hanging, motives unexplained and characters disappear after fleeting introductions (third-billed Angela Punch McGregor gets a single line in one brief scene). Powell's pilot is the sole survivor of a crash on take-off and as he falls under suspicion during the crash investigation, those exploiting the tragedy (most notably an unscrupulous photographer) start to die at the hands of the dead victims and Jenny Agutter's psychic tries to enlist his help in giving their spirits peace before the body count rises. All of which sounds much more interesting than the execution, as David Hemmings' direction veers more to the competent than the inspired, though a replay of the spectacular crash scene near the end is highly effective.”
You can tell that the film is strangled by a small budget, like this review says it means that some characters are underused. I don’t think this means it’s a terrible movie however, Robert Powell is a dependable lead and the film is laced with an ever present trace of dread.
What I thought:
The biggest problem with The Survivor is simply how dated it is, filmed in 1981 the music is just one. A lot of dated soundtracks grow with time, Halloween for instance; its soundtrack is still incredibly effective. The music in Survivor undermines the scariest scenes, the sound effects help to keep up the creepy mood though, just audible screams from the doomed passengers work to keep the mood sour. There are a few jumps but either due to lack of budget or the directors’ choice it shows little of the grim side of the story.
This either works for you or not, asking you to use your imagination a little is tough with early 80’s style, direction and music. Sadly I think this film is past it’s sell by date; I think it would have been very effective. Its story precedes things like The Sixth Sense, as does the twisty ending which shows promise. Sadly not enough if watched today, this so called ‘Ozploitation’ film just doesn’t work in the recent these times.

V, I love you soo much, KARDIA MOU
Here it is, my love ... My heart ... Take it ... It's yours

My most precious V
Hereby officially give you my most precious "belonging" , my HEART.
It is yours, my V ...
I know you'll cherish it
I know you'll handle it with utmost care
I know you'll respect it
I know .. all this ...
And my heart ... I LOVE YOU TOOO!
My butterfly-lover ...

My babes
When I'm not with you, I daydream of you every single moment
When I AM with you, I continue living my dream with you!
My wonderful love ... TY so much for making me happy - putting a huge smile on my face!
Whatever I do, you're in my mind -
I sooo wish we could share life with each other.
It would be so wonderful to see you as first thing in the morning
and last thing at night!
S'agapo para poli
Ek is baie lief vir jou!
Ik hou heel veel van jou!
Jy is my kosbare (precious) skattebol!
Kissy kissy, my lover!
With all my love
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